Publications of Dipangkar Dutta
Papers Published
- S. N. Santiestaban et al., Novel Measurement of the Neutron
Magnetic Form Factor from A=3 Mirror Nuclei Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 132 (2024) pp 162501
- A. Karki et al., First measurement of the EMC effect in ^{10}B and ^{11}B Phys. Rev. C, vol 108, (2023) pp 035201
- D. Bhetuwal et al., Constraints on the onset of color transparency from quasielastic ^{12}C(e,e'p) up to Q^2=14.2(GeV/c)^2 Phys. Rev. C, vol 108, (2023) pp 025203
- K. T. A. Assumin-Gyimah et al., Neutron phase contrast imaging of PbWO4 crystals for G experiment test masses using a Talbot-Lau neutron interferometer Cl. & Qntm. Grav., vol 39 (2022) pp 245014
- R. Li et al., Measured proton electromagnetic structure deviates from theoretical predictions Nature, vol 611 (2022) pp 265
- S. Li et al., Revealing the short-range structure of the mirror nuclei ^{3}H and ^{3}He Nature, vol 609 (2022) pp 41
- K. T. A. Assumin-Gyimah et al., Imaging of PbWO4 crystals for G experiment test masses using a laser interferometer Cl. & Qntm. Grav., vol 39 (2022) pp 165001
- D. Adhikari et al., Precision Determination of the Neutral Weak Form Factor of Ca48 Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 129 (2022) pp 042501
- D. Androic et al., Determination of the ^{27}Al Neutron Distribution Radius from a Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Measurement Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 128 (2022) pp 132501
- D. Adhikari et al., New Measurements of the Beam-Normal Single Spin Asymmetry in Elastic Electron Scattering over a Range of Spin-0 Nuclei Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 128 (2022) pp 142501
- D. Abrams et al., Measurement of the Nucleon F^n_2/F^p_2F Structure Function Ratio by the Jefferson Lab MARATHON Tritium/Helium-3 Deep Inelastic Scattering Experiment Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 128 (2022) pp 132003
- J. Arrington et al., Measurement of the EMC effect in light and heavy nuclei Phys. Rev. C, col 104 (2021) pp 065203
- D. Androic et al., Measurement of the Beam-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry for Elastic Electron Scattering from ^{12}C and ^{27}Al Phys. Rev. C, vol 104 (2021) pp 014606
- D. Adhikari et al., Accurate Determination of the Neutron Skin Thickness of 208^Pb through Parity-Violation in Electron Scattering Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 126 (2021) pp 172502
- J. Pierce et al., The PRad Windowless Gas Flow Target Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, vol 1003 (2021) pp 165300
- D. Bhetuwal et al., Ruling out Color Transparency in Quasielastic 12^C(e,e′p) up to Q^2 of 14.2(GeV/c)^2 Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 126 (2021) pp 082301
- J. Zhou et al., Advanced extraction of the deuteron charge radius from electron-deuteron scattering data Phys. Rev. C, vol 103 (2021) pp 024002
- C. Yero et al., Probing the Deuteron at Very Large Internal Momenta Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 125 (2020) pp 262501
- D. Androic et al., Precision Measurement of the Beam-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Forward-Angle Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 125 (2020) pp 112502
- A. Liyanage et al., Proton form factor ratio μ_pG_E^p/G_M^p from double spin asymmetry Phys. Rev. C. vol 101 (2020) pp 035206
- R. Cruz-Torres et al., Probing few-body nuclear dynamics via 3H and 3He (e,e'p)pn cross-section measurements Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 124 (2020) pp 212501.
- D. Androic et al., Parity-violating inelastic electron-proton scattering at low Q2 above the resonance region Phys. Rev. C, vol 101 (2020) pp 055503
- I. Larin et al., Precision measurement of the neutral pion lifetime Science, vol 368 (2020) pp 506
- W. Xiong et al., A small proton charge radius from an electron-proton scattering experiment Nature, vol 575 (2019) pp 147
- P. Ambrozewicz et al., High precision measurement of Compton scattering in the 5 GeV region Phys. Lett. B, vol 797 (2019) pp 134884.
- R. Cruz-Torres et al., Comparing proton momentum distributions in A=2 and 3 nuclei via 2H 3H and 3He(e,e'p) measurements Phys. Lett. B, vol 797 (2019) pp 134890.
- I. Albayrak et al., Measurements of Non-Singlet Moments of the Nucleon Structure Functions Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 123 (2019) pp 022501.
- W. Armstrong et al., Revealing Color Forces with Transverse Polarized Electron Scattering Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 122 (2019) pp 022002.
- X. Yan et al., Robust extraction of the proton charge radius from electron-proton scattering data Phys. Rev. C, vol 98 (2018) pp 025204.
- D. Androic et al., Precision measurement of the weak charge of the proton Nature, vol 557 (2018) pp 207
- J. D. Maxwell et al., Design and Performance of the Spin Asymmetries of the Nucleon Experiment Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A, vol 885 (2018) pp 145
- A. J. Puckett et al., Polarization Transfer Observables in Elastic Electron Proton Scattering at Q2=2.5, 5.2, 6.8, and 8.5 GeV2 Phys. Rev. C, vol 96 (2017) pp 055203.
- J. A. Magee et al., A novel comparison of Møller and Compton electron-beam polarimeters Phys. Lett. B, vol 766 (2017) pp 339.
- X. Yan et al., First measurement of unpolarized semi-inclusive
deep-inelastic scattering cross sections from a 3He target Phys. Rev. C, vol 95 (2017) pp 035209.
- T. Horn et al., The Aerogel Cherenkov Detector for the SHMS magnetic spectrometer in Hall C at Jefferson Lab Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A, vol 842 (2017) pp 28.
- P. Mohanmurthy, A. Narayan and D. Dutta, A Test of Local Lorentz Invariance with Compton Scattering Asymmetry Mod. Phys. Lett. A, vol 31 (2016), 1650220.
- D. Dutta, High Precision Electon Beam Polarimetry Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol 40 (2016), 1660085.
- A. Narayan et al., Precision Electron-Beam Polarimetry at 1 GeV Using Diamond Microstrip Detectors Phys. Rev. X, vol 6 (2016), 011013.
- P. Solvignon et al., Moments of the neutron g_2 structure function at intermediate Q^2 Phys. Rev. C., vol 92 (2015), 015208.
- Y. X. Zhao et al., Double Spin Asymmetries of Inclusive Hadron Electroproductions from a Transversely Polarized 3He Target Phys. Rev. C., vol 92 (2015), 015207.
- T. Allison et al., The Qweak experimental apparatus Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, vol 781 (2015), 105.
- Y. Zhang et al., Measurement of “pretzelosity” asymmetry of charged pion production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering on a polarized He3 target Phys. Rev. C., vol 90 (2014), 055209.
- Y. X. Zhao et al., Single spin asymmetries in charged kaon production from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering on a transversely polarized He3 target Phys. Rev. C., vol 90 (2014), 055201.
- J. Katich et al., Measurement of the Target-Normal Single-Spin Asymmetry in Deep-inelastic Scattering from the Reaction pol-He3(e,e') X Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol 113 (2014), 022502.
- V. Tvaskis, D. Dutta, D. Gaskell, A. Narayan Precise Polarization Measurements via Detection of Compton Scattered Electrons, Phys. Part. Nucl. Vol 45 (2014), 285.
- K. Allada et al., Single Spin Asymmetries of Inclusive Hadrons Produced in Electron Scattering from a Transversely Polarized 3He Target, Phys. Rev. C Vol 89 (2014), 042201.
- G. Laskaris et al., Spin-dependent cross sections from the three-body photodisintegration of He3 at incident energies of 12.8 and 14.7 MeV, Phys. Rev. C Vol 89 (2014), 024002.
- P. Mohanmurthy and D. Dutta, A Spin-Light Polarimeter for Multi-GeV Longitudinally Polarized Electron Beams, IEEE Trans. in Nucl. Sci., Vol 61, (2014), 528.
- D.~Androic et al., The First Determination of the Weak Charge of the Proton, Phys. Rev. Lett. vol 111 (2013), pp 141803.
- W.-C. Chang and D. Dutta, The Pionic Drell-Yan Process: A Brief Survey, Intl. Jour. of Mod. Phys. E, vol 22 (2013), pp 1330020.
- G. Laskaris et al., First Measurements of Spin-Dependent Double-Differential Cross Sections and the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integrand from vec{H3}(vec{gamma}, n)pp at Incident Photon Energies of 12.8 and 14.7 MeV, Phys. Rev. Lett. vol 110, (2013), pp 202501.
- W.-C. Chang, I. Cloet, D. Dutta and J.-C. Peng, Probing Flavor-Dependent EMC Effect with W Boson Production Phys. Lett. B, vol 720 (2013), pp 188
- D. Dutta, K. Hafidi, and M. Strikman, Color transparency: Past, present and future, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., vol 69 (2013), pp 1
- S. Abrahamayan et al., New Measurements of the Transverse Beam Asymmetry for Elastic Electron Scattering from Selected Nuclei, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 109 (2012), pp 192501
- D. Dutta and K. Hafidi, The Search for the onset of Color Transparency: a status report, Int. Jour. of Mod. Phys. E, vol 21 (2012), pp 1230004
- A. Narayan, D. Dutta, V. Tvaskis, and J. Martin, A diamond micro-strip electron detector for Compton polarimetry, Nuovo Cimento C vol 035, No. 4 (2012), pp 134
- W. Chen et al., Amplitude analysis of gamma + n --> pi^- + p data above 1 GeV, Phys. Rev. C, vol 86, (2012), pp 015206
- W. Luo et al., Polarization components in pi0 photoproduction at photon energies up to 5.6 GeV., Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 108 (2012), pp 222004
- N. Baillie et al., Measurements of the neutron F2 structure function via spectator tagging with CLAS, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 108 (2012), pp 142001
- S. Abrahamayan et al., Measurement of the neutron radius of 208Pb through parity-violation in electron scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 108 (2012), pp 112502
- N. Fomin et al., New measurements of high-momentum nucleons and short-range structures in nuclei, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 108 (2012), pp 092502
- J. Huang et al., Beam-target double spin asymmetry A_LT in charged pion production from Deep Inelastic Scattering on a transversely polarized He-3 target at 1.4 < Q^2 < 2.7 GeV^2, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 108 (2012), pp 052001
- R. Asaturyan et al., Semi-inclusive charged pion electroproduction off protons and deuterons: cross sections, ratios and access to the quark-parton model at low energies, Phys. Rev. C, vol 85 (2012), pp 015202
- X. Qian et al., Single Spin Asymmetries in Charged Pion Production from Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering on a Transversely Polarized 3He Target, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 107 (2011), pp 072003
- Nuruzzaman, D. Dutta et al., Nuclear transparency and effective kaon-nucleon cross section from the A(e,e'K+) reaction, Phys. Rev. C. vol 84 (2011) pp 015210
- D. Dutta, Feasibility of a spin-light polarimeter at JLab, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 295 (2011) pp 012141
- D. Dutta, J-C.Peng, I. Cloet and D. Gaskell, Pion-induced Drell-Yan processes and the flavor-dependent EMC effect, Phys. Rev. C. vol. 83 (2011) pp 042201R
- M. Meziane et al., Search for effects beyond the Born approximation in polarization transfer observables in $\vec{e}p$ elastic scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 106 (2011), pp 132501
- A. Anselmino et al., Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution/Fragmentation Functions at an Electron-Ion Collider, Eur. Phys. J. A vol. 47 (2011) pp 35
- N. Fomin et al., Scaling of the F2 Structure Function in Nuclei and Quark Distributions at x > 1, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 105 (2010), pp 212502
- A. Puckett et al., Recoil Polarization Measurements of the Proton Electromagnetic Form Factor Ratio to Q2=8.5, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 104 (2010), pp 242301
- X. Qian et al., Experimental study of the A(e,e'$\pi^+$) Reaction on $^1$H, $^2$H, $^{12}$C, $^{27}$Al, $^{63}$Cu and $^{197}$Au. , Phys. Rev. C, vol 81 (2010), pp 055209
- M. Coman et al., Cross sections and Rosenbluth separations in H-1(e, e-prime K+)Lambda up to Q**2 = 2.35-GeV**2, Phys. Rev. C, vol 81 (2010), pp 052201
- J. Seely et al., New Measurement of the European Muon Collaboration Effect in Very Light Nuclei, Phys. Rev. Lett, vol., 103 (2009), pp 202301
- D. Hasell et al., The BLAST Experiment, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A603 (2009), pp247
- S. P. Malace et al., Applications of quark-hadron duality in the F2 structure function, Phys. Rev. C, vol 80 (2009), pp 035207
- A. N. Vilano et al., Electroproduction in the Resonance Region at High Q^2, Phys. Rev. C, vol 80 (2009), pp 035203
- M. M. Dalton et al., Electroproduction of eta Mesons at the S11(1535) Resonance Region at High Momentum Transfers, , Phys. Rev. C, vol 80 (2009), pp 015205
- Q. Ye, H. Gao, W. Zheng, D. Dutta, F. Dubose, R. Golub, P. Huffman, C. Swank and E. Korobkina, Relaxation of Spin Polarized He-3 in Mixtures of He-3 and He-4 at about 330 mK, Phys. Rev. A, vol 80 (2009), pp 023403
- W. Chen, T. Mibe, D. Dutta et al. Measurement of the Differential Cross Section for the Reaction gamma n -> pi^{-} p from Deuterium , Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 103 (2009), pp 012301
- P. Bosted, J. Dunne et al. Search for sub-threshold photoproduction of J/Psi mesons , Phys. Rev. C, Vol 79 (2009), pp 015209
- T. Horn et al. Scaling Study of the Pion Electroproduction Cross Sections , Phys. Rev. C, Vol 78 (2008), pp 058201
- P. Solvignon et al. Quark-Hadron Duality in Neutron (He-3) Spin Structure., Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 101 (2008), pp 182502
- H. Fenker, et al., BONUS: Development and Use of a Radial TPC using Cylindrical GEMs , Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A592 (2008), pp 273
- H. Mkrtchyan, P. E. Bosted, et al., Transverse momentum dependence of semi-inclusive pion production , Phys. Lett. B, vol 665 (2008), pp 20
- Q. Ye, D. Dutta, H. Gao, et al., Relaxation of Spin Polarized He-3 in Mixtures of He-3 and He-4 Below the He-4 Lambda Point, Phys. Rev. A, vol 77 (2008), pp 053408
- B. Clasie et al., Measurement of Nuclear Transparency for the A(e,e'pi+) Reaction , Phys. Rev. lett., vol 99 (2007), pp 242502
- K. Kramer et al., A High-pressure Polarized 3He Gas Target for the High Intensity Gamma Source (HIGS) Facility at Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, vol 582 (2007), pp 318
- X. Jiang et al., Recoil-Proton Polarization in High-Energy Deuteron \
Photodisintegration with Circularly Polarized Photons , Phys. Rev. Lett., \
vol 98 (2007), pp 182302
- A. Danagoulian et al., Compton-Scattering cross section on the Proton at high momentum transfer, Phys. Rev. Lett, vol 98 (2007), pp. 152001
- B. Anderson et al., Extraction of the neutron magnetic form-factor from quasi-elastic polarized-He-3(polarized-e, e') at Q^2 = 0.1 - 0.6 (GeV/c)^2, Phys. Rev. C, vol 75 (2007), pp. 034003
- C. Crawford et al., Measurement of the Proton's Electric to Magnetic Form Factor Ratio from 1H-vector(e-vector,e[prime]p), Phys. Rev. Lett., vol 98, (2007), pp. 052301
T. Navasardyan et al.,Onset of Quark Hadron Duality in Pion Electroproduction, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 98
(2007), pp. 022001
- J. Seely, C. Crawford, B. Clasie, W. Xu, D. Dutta, and H. Gao, Laser-driven Nuclear-polarized Hydrogen Internal Gas Target,
Phys. Rev. A, vol. 73
pp. 062714 .
- B.~Clasie, C.~Crawford, J.~Seely, W.~Xu, D.~Dutta, H.~Gao, Laser-driven Target of High-density Nuclear-spin Polarized Hydrogen Gas,
Phys. Rev. A, vol. 73
pp. 020703(R) .
- K. Kramer et al., The Q^2 Dependence of the Neutron Spin Structure Function g2 at Low Q^2.,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 95
pp. 142002 .
- F. Dohrmann et al., Electroproduction of Strangeness on (Lambda)H-3,4 Bound States on Helium,
AIP Conf. Proc., vol. 768
pp. 294(Proceedings of the 19th European Few-Body
Conference on Problems in Physics (EFB 19),
Groningen, The Netherlands,.)
- D. J. Hamilton et al., Polarization Transfer in Proton Compton Scattering at High Momentum Transfer,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 94 no. 24
pp. 242001 .
- L. Y. Zhu et al., Cross section Measurements of Charged Pion Photoproduction
in hydrogen and deuterium from 1.1 to 5.5 GeV,
Phys Rev. C, vol. 71
pp. 044603 .
- I. A. Qattan et al., Precision Rosenbluth Measurement of the Proton Elastic Form Factors,
PHys. Rev. Lett., vol. 94
pp. 142301 .
- D. Dutta and H. Gao, Generalized counting rule and oscillatory scaling,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 71
pp. 032201(R) .
- J. Alcorn et al., Basic Instrumentation for Hall A at Jefferson Lab,
Nucl. Instrum. & Meth., vol. A522
pp. 294 .
- P. Ambrozewicz et al., Near Threshold Electropoduction of the omega meson at Q^2=0.5 (GeV/c)^2,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 70
pp. 035203 .
- M. E. Christy et al., Measurement of Electron Proton Elastic Cross-section s for 0.4 < Q^2< 5.5 (GeV/c)^2,
Phys Rev C, vol. 70
pp. 015206 .
- X. Zheng et al., Precision Measurement of the Neutron Spin Asymmetries and Spin-dependent Structure Functions in the Valance Quark Region.,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 70
pp. 065207 .
- D. Dutta, Experimental Search for Color Transparency at Jefferson Lab,
Euro. Physical Journal A, vol. 19
pp. 179-183 .
- T. M. Ito et al., Parity-Violating Electron Deuteron Scattering and the Proton's Neutral Weak Axial Vector Form Factor,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 92
pp. 102003 .
- X. Zheng et al., Precision measurement of the
neutron spin asymmetry A1n and spin-flavor decomposition
in the valence quark region,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 92
pp. 012004 .
- D. Dutta et al., Quasielastic (e,e' p) reaction on 12C, 56Fe, and 197Au,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 68
pp. 064603 .
- R. M. Mohring et al., Separation of the longitudinal and transverse cross sections in the H(e,e' K+)Lambda and H(e,e' K+)Sigma0 reactions,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 67
pp. 055205 .
- D. Dutta et al., Nuclear transparency with the gamma n--> pi ^{-} p process in ^{4}He,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 68 no. 2
pp. 021001R .
- W. Xu et al., Plane-wave impulse approximation extraction of the neutron magetic form factor from quasielastic (pol)3He((pol)e, e') at Q^2 =0.3 -0.6 (GeV/c)^2,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 67
pp. 012201R .
- L. Y. Zhu et al., Cross-section measurement of charged-pion photoproduction from hydrogen and deuterium,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 91
(Summer, 2003),
pp. 022003 .
- K. Wijesooriya et al., Polarization measurements in neutral pion photoproduction,,
Phys Rev C, vol. 66
pp. 034614 .
- K. Garrow et al., Nuclear transparency from quasielastic A(e,e'p) reactions up to Q^2 of 8.1 (GeV/c)^2,
Phys Rev. C, vol. 66
pp. 044613 .
- D. Dutta, H. Gao and T.-S. H. Lee, Study of Nucleon Resonances with Double Polarization Observables of Pion Photoproduction,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 65
pp. 044619 .
- D. Gaskell et al., Measurement of Longitudinal and Transverse Cross-sections in the 3He(e,e')3H reaction at W = 1.6 GeV,
Phys Rev C, vol. 65
pp. 011001R .
- E. Schulte et al., High energy angular distribution measurements of the exclusive deuteron photodisintegration reaction,
Phys Rev C, vol. 66
pp. 042201R .
- K. Wijesooriya et al., Polarization measurement in the high-energy deuteron photodisintegration.,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 86
pp. 2975 .
- F.Xiong, D. Dutta, W. Xu et al., Precision measurement of the spin-dependent asymmetry in the threshold region of 3He(pol)(e(pol),e').,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 87
pp. 242501 .
- D. Gaskell et al., Longitudinal electroproduction of charged pions from H, 2H, 3He,
Phys. Rev. Lett, vol. 87
pp. 202301 .
- E. C. Schulte et al., Measurement of the high energy two-body dueteron photodisintegration differential cross section.,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 87
pp. 102302 .
- O. Gayou et al., Measurement of the elastic electromagnetic form factor ratio muGep/Gmp via polarization transfer,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 64
pp. 014602 .
- J. Arrington et al., x and xi scaling of nuclear structure function at large x,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 64
pp. 014602 .
- W. Xu, D. Dutta, F. Xiong et al., The transverse asymmetry A_{T'} from quasielastic 3He(pol)(e(pol),e') process and the neutron magnetic form factor,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 85
pp. 2900 .
- D. Dutta et al., Separated spectral function for the quasifree 12C(e,e'p) reaction,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 61
pp. 061602R .
- I. Niculescu et al., Experimental verification of quark-hadron duality,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 85
pp. 1186 .
- I. Niculescu et al., Evidence for valence like quark-hadron duality,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 85
pp. 1182 .
- D. G. Meekins et al., Coherent pi0 photoproduction on the deuteron upto 4 GeV,
Phys. Rev. C, vol. 60
pp. 052201 .
- J. Arrington et al., Inclusive electron-nucleus at large momentum transfer,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 82
pp. 2056 .
- C. Bochna et al., Measurement of deuteron photodisintegration up to 4.0 GeV,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 81
(March, 1998),
pp. 4576 .
- G. Niculescu et al., Longitudinal and transverse cross section in the H(e,e' K+)Lambda reaction,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 81
pp. 1805 .
- D. Abbott et al., Quasifree (e,e'p) reaction and proton propagation in nuclei,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 80
pp. 5072 .
- D. Dutta and Y. K. Gambhir, Analysis of regionwise absorbtion in heavy ion scattering,
Nuovo Cimento A, vol. 106A no. 5
(January, 1993),
pp. 627 .
Mississippi State University * Physics & Astronomy