[MSU Physics Logo]

Reasearch Sponsors:

U.S. Department of Energy , Office of Science, National Science Foundation , Oak Ridge Associated Universities , Brookhaven National Lab , & Jefferson Lab .

  • U.S. DOE Grant Number: DE-FG02-07ER41528: Precision Measurements at Medium Energy,
    (PI - D. Dutta, co-PI L. El Fassi)
    $1,882,000 (2022 - 2025)

  • NSF , Grant Number:1707988, "New Source and Test Masses and their Metrology for G Experiments,"
    (PI - D. Dutta)
    $148,861 (2017 - 2020)

  • U.S. DOE Grant Number: DE-FG02-07ER41528: Precision Measurements at Medium Energy,
    (PI - D. Dutta, co-PIs - J. Dunne and L. El Fassi)
    $1,787,000 (2019 - 2022), $1,343,000 (2016 - 2019)

  • JSA, JLab Bridge Faculty Position: Dr. Lamiaa El-Fassi (PI - D. Dutta)
    $240,000 (2014 -2019).

  • U.S. DOE Grant Number: DE-FG02-07ER41528: Precision Measurements at Medium Energy,
    (PI - D. Dutta, co-PI - J. Dunne)
    $833,000 (2010 - 2013), $836,000 (2013 - 2016).

  • ORAU/ORNL High Performance Computing Grant - A New Experiment to Measure the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron (PI - D. Dutta)
    $75,000 (2012 - 2015).

  • BNL EIC detector R&D grant: Development of a spin-light polarimeter for the EIC(PI - D. Dutta)
    $15,000 (2012 - 2013), $10,000 (2013 - 2014), $10,000 (2014 -2015).

  • NSF MRI Grant- Development of a windowless gas flow hydrogen target for the proton charge radius experiment (PI M. Khandakar, co-PI - D. Dutta)
    $410,300 (2012 - 2014).

  • NSF MRI Consortium: Development of a Complete Kaon Detection System for Hall C at 12 GeV JLab (PI - T. Horn, co-PI - D. Dutta)
    $469,500 (2010 - 2012).

  • Grant Number: DE-FG02-07ER41528: Electron Detector for the Jefferson Lab Hall-C Compton Polarimeter, (PI - D. Dutta)
    $341,000 ( 2007 - 2010).

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